- Surround yourself with happy people. I mean surround. Look for people who you believe are happy, and let them know, you would like to get to know them. Tell them the reason is because you see their happiness, and you have made a commitment to surround yourself with happy people.

You must realize that emotions are contagious. Believe me, you will catch the "happiness Bug" from your new associates
the five happy people you will become friends with. Also write down the date, that is a week from today, Commit to doing by that day.
Practical ExerciseGet a piece of paper, and write down the names of
"A new study by researchers at Harvard University and the University of California, San Diego documents how happiness spreads through social networks.""They found that when a person becomes happy, a friend living close by has a 25 percent higher chance of becoming happy themselves. A spouse experiences an 8 percent increased chance and for next-door neighbors, it's 34 percent." Study
the five happy people you will become friends with. Also write down the date, that is a week from today, Commit to doing by that day.
- Resolve anything in your past, that creates an unhappy thought. I resolved my past by understanding the reasons some people had been less than loving to me. I read articles, watched videos, about why people behave in certain ways. Once I learned they were hurting, it became very easy to forgive
Resolving your past may also mean, asking someone to forgive you, and correcting any less than loving events that your actions created
Make a plan for your future. When you know where you are going, you feel happier about your future. I am not saying you can control everything in your future. However, you know the difference between things you can do now, that will create happiness, or confusion.
Here is a great Goal Setting Guide, I found on another site click
If you have trouble making happy producing choices, this might help. Imagine your life as a movie. Each time you are faced with a decision, fast forward the movie. As you do, look at the events that might happen If this are events that make you happy, then you are about to make a good choice.

- Enjoy the moment. When I say enjoy the moment, I mean realize that the bad events that you imagine may occur, aren't occurring now. Realize that any event that happened in the past, isn't happening now.
I wear a mantra bead necklace for several reasons. One reason - when I need reassurance that life is great, I touch each of the 108 beads, and recite something I am thankful for.
What is your Emotional Intelligence Level? Answer these short questions to find out.
- Believe in a higher being, or a higher cause. Surveys show that people who feel they have a purpose, are not only more happier, they are often more driven.
- Learn how to manage your emotions. Why be unhappy, if you do not have to be. Sure there will be events that will give you a reason to be unhappy. However you can learn to manage your emotions.
"Seventy-One Percent of Employers Say They Value Emotional Intelligence over IQ, According to CareerBuilder Survey"........read
Let me know if these ideas seem helpful to you (after you try them).