The Art and Science of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is an art, and science.

Forgiveness is an art, and science, that requires skills, and practice. We all want to forgive, but maybe we just don't know how. 

This article will give you a few ideas about the why's and  how's of forgiveness.

First, you must commit to Actively, forgiving people.

  Actively, meaning it is going to take a planned effort. It is more than just saying, "I forgive you", and expecting yourself to automatically feel better. 

You have to Actively, look for ideas, and concepts that will motivate you to forgive. You also have to find ways to Actively show your forgiveness.

"Do you find it hard to forgive because you have been taught that forgiveness is a sign of  weakness. It isn't. It is a sign of  Love, Compassion, and intelligence"

To Actively forgive, I start by remembering, I will feel better. To Actively forgive, I pray for myself, and the person who hurt me.

I remember that people who hurt people either do not have self control, have been taught to hurt people, or they have not forgiven their hurt. 

That leads to compassion. Compassion leads to forgiveness

 Peace Love and Light To YOU

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