Core Infusion™
Get Happy
- Surround yourself with happy people. I mean surround. Look for people who you believe are happy, and let them know, you would like to get to know them. Tell them the reason is because you see their happiness, and you have made a commitment to surround yourself with happy people.

You must realize that emotions are contagious. Believe me, you will catch the "happiness Bug" from your new associates
the five happy people you will become friends with. Also write down the date, that is a week from today, Commit to doing by that day.
Practical ExerciseGet a piece of paper, and write down the names of
"A new study by researchers at Harvard University and the University of California, San Diego documents how happiness spreads through social networks.""They found that when a person becomes happy, a friend living close by has a 25 percent higher chance of becoming happy themselves. A spouse experiences an 8 percent increased chance and for next-door neighbors, it's 34 percent." Study
the five happy people you will become friends with. Also write down the date, that is a week from today, Commit to doing by that day.
- Resolve anything in your past, that creates an unhappy thought. I resolved my past by understanding the reasons some people had been less than loving to me. I read articles, watched videos, about why people behave in certain ways. Once I learned they were hurting, it became very easy to forgive
Resolving your past may also mean, asking someone to forgive you, and correcting any less than loving events that your actions created
Make a plan for your future. When you know where you are going, you feel happier about your future. I am not saying you can control everything in your future. However, you know the difference between things you can do now, that will create happiness, or confusion.
Here is a great Goal Setting Guide, I found on another site click
If you have trouble making happy producing choices, this might help. Imagine your life as a movie. Each time you are faced with a decision, fast forward the movie. As you do, look at the events that might happen If this are events that make you happy, then you are about to make a good choice.

- Enjoy the moment. When I say enjoy the moment, I mean realize that the bad events that you imagine may occur, aren't occurring now. Realize that any event that happened in the past, isn't happening now.
I wear a mantra bead necklace for several reasons. One reason - when I need reassurance that life is great, I touch each of the 108 beads, and recite something I am thankful for.
What is your Emotional Intelligence Level? Answer these short questions to find out.
- Believe in a higher being, or a higher cause. Surveys show that people who feel they have a purpose, are not only more happier, they are often more driven.
- Learn how to manage your emotions. Why be unhappy, if you do not have to be. Sure there will be events that will give you a reason to be unhappy. However you can learn to manage your emotions.
"Seventy-One Percent of Employers Say They Value Emotional Intelligence over IQ, According to CareerBuilder Survey"
Let me know if these ideas seem helpful to you (after you try them).
Don't Help Everyone

Peace Love and Light To You.
Thank You For Being
In this article, I will tell you, why I believe it is not appropriate to help everyone. I will also show you a Law Of Math, that I believe proves my theory.
First let's look at the definition of "help"
- 1.make it easier for (someone) to do something by offering one's services or resources.
"Roger's companion helped him with the rent"
- 2.serve someone with (food or drink).
"she helped herself to a cookie"
- 1.the action of helping someone to do something; assistance.
"I asked for help from my neighbors"
- So, by looking at the definition, would you agree, that you can't "help" someone, who is not helping themselves?
Now for the Math
When you help someone, it does not have a linear affect,
In others words, it's not You+Them=2 or 1+1=2.
Help has a synergistic, or exponential affect, it's You ,
1 which equals 0.
By definition, and Math theory it is impossible to help someone, who is not helping themselves. It is possible that you are facilitating something that requires them to help themselves.
It's also possible, they are lending themselves to a vibration that is stealing your energy. 1 to the 0 power equals 0.
Always Love Yourself
Always Love Yourself
Peace Love and Light
I Love You
The Seven Habits Of Successful People
Steven R Covey
The Power Of A Paradigm

For our purpose , a simple way to understand paradigms is to see them as maps........Suppose you wanted to arrive at a specific location in Central Chicago. ........Through a printing error, the map labeled "Chicago' was actually a map of Detroit. ............You might work on your behavior................You might work on your could try harder, be more diligent, double your speed. But your efforts will only succeed in getting you to the wrong place faster.
The point is, you would still be lost. The fundamental problem has nothing to do with your behavior or attitude. It has everything to do with having the wrong map.
Each of us has many, many maps in our mind. We rarely question their accuracy. Some people are unaware that they have them.
Our attitudes and behavior, reflect our assumptions. How we interpret things, determine how we think, and act."
This is one of the most helpful books I have read, because not it has helped me see me, and become the best me I can be. How?
By changing my paradigms, or ways of seeing the world."
I hope this excerpt from the book has helped you understand how powerful your paradigm is, and how it affects your life. I have published three E-books, that will help give you ideas to create new, positive paradigms. Each book can be downloaded to any digital device
Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy NowThe Root Chakra
Peace Love and Light to you,
Buy Now
There are many ways you can heal your Chakras. Below you will find several useful methods, including color, nature and sound therapy!
Azurite, Bloodstone, Chrysocolla, Obsidian, Golden Yellow Topaz, Black Tourmaline, Carnelian, Citrine, Red Jasper, Smokey Quartz.
Nutrition for the Root Chakra (food is energy, energy has a frequency)
Red Foods, such as red apples, strawberries, red cabbage. Ginger, carrots, or beets, or foods with “roots” and foods that are high in protein, such as eggs, meat, beans, nuts.
Aromatherapy/Essential Oils for the Root Chakra:Sandalwood, Cedar, Rosewood, Ginger, Cloves, Black pepper, Rosemary.
Healing the Root Chakra with Nature:
Get outside period.
Music I have put together a playlist of music that is designed to heal the Root Chakra
Peace Love and Life
Rufus Mitchell
I wrote this article about the Root Chakra because I believe this is the appropriate starting point to understanding your Chakra System.
Before we talk about some of the ways to heal your Root Chakra, I believe it is important to explain what a Chakra is, and what it does. First, a Chakra operates like a radio, and a radio station, at the same time. That is to say it can be tuned to receive and transmit a frequency. Just like the radio station, and radio, each Chakra transmits/receives frequencies of different wavelength.within a certain range.
Within each range, there is an optimum frequency that the Chakra is tuned to receive and transmit. Each frequency has a corresponding emotion, or frame of thought. For instance there is a frequency that corresponds to love, as well as fear. When your Chakra is not balanced, and aligned, it will not transmit/receive the optimum frequency. Which will not create the best emotions, and reality. For example, an unbalanced Root Chakra could make you too aggressive, or too compliant.
Download my digital book, My Chakras. It will give you an easy to understand explanation of the Chakra System. It will also help you change your life by balancing your chakras. I have also included a list of daily affirmations that will improve the operation of your chakras. Click here to Download a free preview.
Download my digital book, My Chakras. It will give you an easy to understand explanation of the Chakra System. It will also help you change your life by balancing your chakras. I have also included a list of daily affirmations that will improve the operation of your chakras. Click here to Download a free preview.

Balanced & Aligned Root Chakra
- you feel secure in your world, and your daily tasks seem effortless.
- You do not have any doubts about your place in the world and feel things will work for you.
Unbalanced Mis-aligned Root Chakra:
- You experience anger, annoyance and even aggression towards people and events in your life. Greediness
- Controlling others.
- Being belligerent to those who challenge you or what you believe.
- very rigid boundaries – making it very difficult for you to accept change.
- You may also become very materialistic or impulsive and think that your value or self-worth exists in having such things.
- Over-active sex drive.
- You feel disconnected from the world around you, including from your body.
- You feel disorganized and consequently this will reflect in your world.
- You lack focus and discipline, and may become afraid, anxious or restless in your daily interactions.
- You experience a lack of stamina, depression or desire to do or to want anything out of life.
- You have trouble obtaining financial security and will find yourself with no, or very little boundaries.
- Weight-loss/gain,
- poor immune system,
- anemia,
- depression,
- laziness, irritable bowel syndrome
There are many ways you can heal your Chakras. Below you will find several useful methods, including color, nature and sound therapy!
Picturing a red lotus flower at the base of your spine.
Lighting red candles while focusing on your root chakra.
Decorate your home with red, and add the color red to your wardrobe
Crystal Therapy for the Root Chakra (Crystals transmit frequencies)

Red Foods, such as red apples, strawberries, red cabbage. Ginger, carrots, or beets, or foods with “roots” and foods that are high in protein, such as eggs, meat, beans, nuts.
Aromatherapy/Essential Oils for the Root Chakra:Sandalwood, Cedar, Rosewood, Ginger, Cloves, Black pepper, Rosemary.
Healing the Root Chakra with Nature:
Get outside period.
Music I have put together a playlist of music that is designed to heal the Root Chakra
Peace Love and Life
Rufus Mitchell
What is Core Infusion
next update 1/2/2018
Welcome To The Next Evolution Of Fitness
Peace, Love, and Life to you.
My name is Rufus "Mitch" Mitchell, and I am the creator of Core Infusion.
Core Infusion is a Healthy Living System, designed to improve your Spiritual, Mental, and Physical Health.
I have been blessed with the time to research some of the leading philosophies on creating optimum Health, and Wealth. I enhanced them with my own ideas, and created the Science Of Core Infusion
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Preview This post will give you five simple, and easy ways to make yourself happy. Surround yourself with happy pe...
Peace Love and Light to you, I wrote this article about the Root Chakra because I believe this is the appropriate starting point to underst...
Peace Love and Light To You. Thank You For Being Preview In this article, I will tell you, why I believe it is not appropriate ...