12 Laws Of The Universe

Peace Love and Light to You! Thanks for visiting.

I believe in, and apply the Universal Laws to my life. Doing so has
heightened my level of Health, and Wealth.  I can honestly say, I am
satisfied with every component of my life.

I will list the laws one by one, and explain how I applied them to my life.

The Law Of Divine Oneness states that everything is connected. This means
that everything we say, do, think, and believe, affects us, others, and the
Universe around us.

Speaking - I make sure I only say positive things about myself, and my
on earth. One of my daily affirmations is, "every event entering my life
is auspicious, and life improving". Affirmation are not magical sayings
that make event happen without cause. If you are not aware of how
affirmation work, I suggest you download my digital file, "My Affirmations".

I believe positive things about myself because I am doing things to make
myself a better person. there is a lot of information available on ways to
improve who you are. Ted Talk is one of my favorite sources for learning
new ideas.

If you do not fully believe that our thoughts can change things around us,
I suggest you watch some of these videos.
Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Circumstances.  

Law of Vibration - Everything in the Universe moves, vibrates
and travels in circular patterns, the same principles of vibration
in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires and
wills in the Etheric world. Each sound, thing, and even thought
has its own vibration/frequency, unique unto itself.
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