The Seven Habits Of Successful People
Steven R Covey
The Power Of A Paradigm

For our purpose , a simple way to understand paradigms is to see them as maps........Suppose you wanted to arrive at a specific location in Central Chicago. ........Through a printing error, the map labeled "Chicago' was actually a map of Detroit. ............You might work on your behavior................You might work on your could try harder, be more diligent, double your speed. But your efforts will only succeed in getting you to the wrong place faster.
The point is, you would still be lost. The fundamental problem has nothing to do with your behavior or attitude. It has everything to do with having the wrong map.
Each of us has many, many maps in our mind. We rarely question their accuracy. Some people are unaware that they have them.
Our attitudes and behavior, reflect our assumptions. How we interpret things, determine how we think, and act."
This is one of the most helpful books I have read, because not it has helped me see me, and become the best me I can be. How?
By changing my paradigms, or ways of seeing the world."
I hope this excerpt from the book has helped you understand how powerful your paradigm is, and how it affects your life. I have published three E-books, that will help give you ideas to create new, positive paradigms. Each book can be downloaded to any digital device
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